About me
Sheindl Spitzer-Tilchin is a current graduate student at Brandeis University studying Jewish Professional Leadership in the Hornstein Program. Sheindl also completed her undergraduate studies at Brandeis with a BA in Psychology and Near Eastern Judaic Studies. At Brandeis, Sheindl is a Graduate Intern and Supervisor for Brandeis's Institutional Advancement student fundraising team, and a lab leader for Brandeis's SCROLL Lab centered in Jewish Education, language, literacy, and reading. Sheindl is a Brandeis Graduate Department Representative, and a Program Coordinator for Temple Shalom in Medford, MA, as well as a Nachshon Fellow. Sheindl grew up in Orange County, California and was an active leader in her USY chapter and served as the Rel/Ed VP for three years. Sheindl is an RSC fellow for Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim and attended the program in Spring of 2018. She has served as a counselor and Rosh Edah at Camp Ramah in the Rockies for the last two years where she also attended as a camper for 7 summers. Sheindl has worked as a Hebrew School teacher and participated in the 8-week Hadar Davening Fellowship in Summer 2021. Sheindl was a member of an A Cappella group at Brandeis and also served as the president of Brandeis's premiere hip hop team. On the side, Sheindl enjoys dancing, singing, working out, and hanging out with friends.