About me
Sarra Alpert is the Chief Institute Officer at Avodah, directing Avodah's Institute for Social Change which supports Jewish communal leaders in the ongoing transformation of making our communal spaces, policies, programs and practices more just, inclusive, and engaged in the world. She has been on the Cornerstone faculty for 18 years and has taught at a whole bunch of Jewish camps across the U.S. She spent many of her summers at Camp Ramah in (Southern) California, first as a camper and then working as a counselor, teacher, unit head and rosh hadracha (head of staff training and leadership development). Other spaces, groups and experiences that have shaped her thinking, teaching and being are: her Avodah Service Corps year and alumni experience, as well as many years on the Avodah Service Corps and Justice Fellowship program staff teams; two terms on the board of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice; four years as a Lecturer in the NYU Expository Writing Program; the Schusterman Fellowship; many years of teaching in a wide range of Hebrew schools and other Jewish learning spaces; her MFA at NYU and her BAs at UCSD; growing up in United Synagogue Youth; and, most importantly, by being a part of many wonderful, warm groups and communal organizations, from family and friends to writing retreats and food co-ops. She can often be found cooking with/for friends, reading on the subway, enjoying New York City's parks, rivers and various surprises, or seeking out a campfire singalong.