About me
Sara Beth Berman is an enthusiastic member of Foundation for Jewish Camp Cornerstone team, the Director of Youth and Family Education at Temple Shaaray Tefila in New York City, and an experiential education consultant. Sara Beth Berman is a writer, podcaster, and storyteller, has spent her career working on curriculum development, programming, professional development, and programmatic initiatives. Her decades of work in the Jewish nonprofit sector prepared Sara Beth to train people in all levels of their careers to learn, grow, teach, negotiate, self-advocate, make change, and ask good questions. She is a Senior Consultant with the Gender Equity in Hiring Project, has worked on an educational startup at The Jewish Education Project, ran YESH: The Newish Jewish Professionals Institute & the Graduate Fellowship at UJA-Federation NY, served as the Nadiv Educator at URJ Camp Coleman and the Davis Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, and was the Associate Director of Storahtelling, a Jewish ritual theatre company. She has spent time working for an assortment of Jewish summer camps throughout North America, and a number of synagogues around New York, after beginning her career in Human Resources at Penguin Group (USA).
Sara Beth has certificates in coachin and serves as a board member for University of Florida Hillel. She wrote a book about a Hanukkah Llama, as well as many online articles. Sara Beth received her BS in Psychology from the University of Florida and her MA in Jewish Education from the Davidson School at the Jewish Theological Seminary.