About me
Pesach is a founding member and Rabbi of Eden Village Summer Camps. He is a big fan of creator and creation, and his favorite spiritual postures are closeness and balance. He has lived up in the Redwood trees, on sailboats, and led 17 international trips with American Jewish World Service. He now lives on his ship in the Aegean Sea and in Jerusalem. In the winter months, he can often be found by his wood stove fire pondering a thought and jotting it down. He is the author of "Sustainable Bliss a Paradigm Shift", "Kuntres Baal Tashchit", and just finished the manuscript for his upcoming book, "Light in Vessels", a practical and spiritual guidebook to the Jewish holidays and beyond. He received smichah/ordination from Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo in Jerusalem and (unofficially) from his campers.