About me
Maya Tipiere joined FJC in February 2023 as the Learning and Research Associate. Previously, she worked in communications, development, and operations at Yeshivat Maharat, gaining a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the Jewish non-profit world. Maya was raised in Long Island, New York and spent her summers at Perlman Camp in Pennsylvania as a camper, counselor, and head counselor. From her adult mentors to the youngest campers on camp, Maya has never ceased to be inspired and impressed by everyone in the world of Jewish camp. Maya studied in the Tulane honors program, followed by a semester abroad, in 2020, as a fellow of the Nachshon Project where she studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She graduated from Binghamton University in the spring of 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development. Maya enjoys traveling, hiking, doing arts and crafts, and spending quality time with family, friends, and fellow silly geese. Maya is also an alumni of the Cornerstone Fellowship and was part of the first cohort of Senior Fellows.