About me
Josh is a professor of psychology at Hunter College, City University of New York and a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University where he teaches and conducts research on how interpersonal dynamics between students and teachers impact student learning. In 15 summers at URJ Greene Family Camp, Josh worked with almost every age group, spending the bulk of his time on challenge courses, working with teens, and training CITs. Josh has also lived, traveled, and taught on five continents. He brings a broad perspective and a deep mind for facilitation, CAMPing, and education.
Josh taught English in Ha Noi and Ha Galil, facilitated active philosophy in Tefen, Israel, and in Manegau, Nepal with Israelis, and taught in forest kindergartens and homeschools in New Zealand, and community centers and community gardens en el Valle Segrado, Peru. Josh believes that intentionally seeking broad perspectives for ourselves broadens and deepens experience for all we share space with.
In every learning environment, Josh seeks to integrate research and practice through meaningful action. By literally moving and flexing embodied ideas that move the minds who believe them, he creates spaces that support the mind through the actions of the body to reveal new insights and build new habits. Get ready to move, AND think, as we come together to share 'small things' that make success through challenge much more enjoyable to achieve. Come play with Josh to learn how to create challenge courses for yourself, and for those with whom you live, love, and laugh.