About me
Daniel Abramson is a passionate Jewish experiential educator. Daniel hold a Masters Degree in Education with an emphasis on curriculum studies and teacher development. Daniel's educational philosophy is grounded in the idea that curiosity, wonder, and play are key elements of transformative learning. Daniel is currently working as the Curriculum Development Director of the Tikkun Project, an initiative aimed at bringing Social Justice learning to the heart of K-8 core curriculum studies.
Daniel strives to create experiences that help kids understand themselves and the world around them through hands-on activities that feel like play. Sometimes you'll find him leading a Bob-Ross-inspired art class teaching kids how to find beauty and wonder in the natural world, and other times you'll find him rubbing socks together to make static electricity to show campers that lightning doesn't have to be scary. Once in a while, you can even find him carrying heavy rocks or doing jumping jacks on the sports field with campers learning that they are probably already stronger than they ever dreamed they could be.